Copper Isotope Materials
Natural samples cover a range of roughly 16 ‰ for δ(65Cu) with the most positive values found in carbonates and the most negative values in copper chlorides. Most studies of copper isotopic-abundances focus on geochemical topics or, in special cases, on financially driven topics, such as the provenance of minerals.
Name |
Material |
δSRM976(65Cu) |
NIST SRM 976 | elemental Cu | 0 ‰* |
ERM-AE633 | Cu(NO3)2 solution | -0.01(6) ‰ |
ERM-AE647 | Cu(NO3)2 solution | -0.21(6) ‰ |
Name | Material | δSRM976(65Cu) |
* Exact value defining the δ(65Cu) SRM976 scale.
Values in parenthesis are expanded (k = 2) uncertainties applicable to the last digits. The values listed in this table are compilation and are not necessarily CIAAW recommendations.
W.A. Brand et al
Assessment of international reference materials for isotope-ratio analysis
Pure and Applied Chemistry 86, 425-467 (2014)