Germanium Isotope Materials
In naturally occurring terrestrial materials, the δ(74/70Ge) values cover an interval between −5 and +5 ‰ relative to NIST SRM 3120a.
Name | Material | δSRM3120a(74/70Ge) |
NIST SRM 3120a | elemental Ge | 0 ‰* |
BHVO-1 | basalt | +0.55(15) ‰ |
BHVO-2 | basalt | +0.51(10) ‰ |
n/a | seawater | +2.5 ‰ ** |
n/a | bulk silicate Earth | +0.59(18) ‰ ** |
Ge-Spex | solution | -0.70(7) ‰ |
CLB-1 | USGS coal | +1.24(10) ‰ |
Name | Material | δSRM3120a(74/70Ge) |
* Exact value defining the δ(74/70Ge) SRM3120a scale.
** See the Assessment of international reference materials for isotope-ratio analysis for more details.
Values in parenthesis are expanded (k = 2) uncertainties applicable to the last digits. The values listed in this table are compilation and are not necessarily CIAAW recommendations.
W.A. Brand et al
Assessment of international reference materials for isotope-ratio analysis
Pure and Applied Chemistry 86, 425-467 (2014)