Historical Isotopic Abundances
Summarized below are standard values of the isotopic abundances of the elements recommended by the CIAAW. These values appear in Column 9 of the Table of Isotopic Composition of the Elements (TICE) and are known as 'representative isotopic abundances'. The representative isotopic abundances and their uncertainties for all elements are consistent with the standard atomic weights and their uncertainties.
Please enter the name or symbol of the element, isotope, or the year in order to retrieve the relevant historical isotopic abundances.
An entry is given only when the Commission recommended for the element a revised (or new) value for the isotopic abundance of an element.
All values are given here as originally published by the Commission.
All names and symbols of the elements are given in their present form even though many changes have occured in this regard over the last century.
© CIAAW 2018-2024 (last updated in Oct 2024)