Isotope | Atomic mass (Da) | Isotopic abundance (amount fraction) |
85Rb | 84.911 789 74(3) | 0.7217(2) |
87Rb | 86.909 180 53(4) | 0.2783(2) |
In its 1961 report, the Commission recommended Ar(Rb) = 85.47 based on the average of Ar(Rb) = 85.473 for the chemical determinations and mass-spectrometric determination of Nier, who reported Ar(Rb) = 85.4678(2). In 1969, the Commission recommended the current value of Ar(Rb) = 85.4678(3) based on new isotope-abundance measurements.
87Rb is β– active with a half-life of 48.8(5) Ga, which leaves Ar(Rb) unaffected at the currently given precision of about 3 parts per million in up to 106 a. In contrast, accumulation of the 87Sr product of 87Rb decay causes anomalous atomic-weight values of strontium in many Rb-bearing materials.
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