Mercury Isotope Materials
Natural isotopic variations of mercury isotopes encompass a δ(202/198Hg) range of about ±4 ‰. Triggered by the rapid development in multi-collector ICP-MS, mercury-isotope studies have increased significantly within the last decade. Mercury-isotope research is carried out in many disciplines, and a major part involves investigating isotopic fractionation in the biogeochemical mercury cycle. Within this research, mass-independent isotopic fractionation of mercury has been observed. Differentiation between mass-dependent and mass-independent isotopic fractionation of mercury isotopes requires higher precision than usual, therefore, mercury isotopic reference materials supporting measurement uncertainties in the sub-permil range are required.
Name | Material | δNIMS-1(202/198Hg) |
NRC NIMS-1 | solution | 0 ‰ * |
NIST SRM 3133 | solution | 0 ‰ ** |
NIST SRM 2225 | elemental Hg | +4.6(1.3) ‰ |
NIST SRM 1641d | solution | +0.03(10) ‰ |
Name | Material | δNIMS-1(202/198Hg) |
* Exact value defining the δ(202/198Hg) NIMS-1 scale.
** See the Assessment of international reference materials for isotope-ratio analysis for more details.
Values in parenthesis are expanded (k = 2) uncertainties applicable to the last digits. The values listed in this table are compilation and are not necessarily CIAAW recommendations.
W.A. Brand et al
Assessment of international reference materials for isotope-ratio analysis
Pure and Applied Chemistry 86, 425-467 (2014)