CIAAW Subcommittees
Jun Wang, China (Chair)
Juris Meija, Canada (Secretary)
This subcommittee was created in 1975 during the 28th IUPAC General Assembly (Madrid, Spain) with Paul de Bièvre as its inaugural Chairman.
The Subcommittee on Isotopic Abundance Measurements (SIAM) consists of a group of experts in isotope mass spectrometry
and measurement scientists who are concerned with the measurement of isotopic abundances and variations of those abundances in natural materials.
The objective of this subcommittee is to evaluate published, peer-reviewed isotope abundance measurements. As such, it furnishes the technical expertise to the Commission, the IUPAC Inorganic Division,
and IUPAC on the isotopic abundances of the elements and the atomic weights of the elements as determined from those abundances.
Past Chairmen of the SIAM include Paul de Bièvre, I. Lynus Barnes, Kevin Rosman, Philip Taylor, John-Karl Böhlke, Michael Berglund, Ronny Schönberg, and Johanna Irrgeher.
Manfred Gröning, Austria (Chair)
Philip Dunn, UK (Secretary)
This subcommittee was created in 2009 during the 45th IUPAC General Assembly (Glasgow, UK) with Willi Brand as its inaugural Chairman.
The objective of this subcommittee is to evaluate published, peer-reviewed isotope reference materials.
CIAAW Subcommittee on
Isotopic Abundance Measurements
Membership for 2022-2023
Jun Wang, Chair (China)
Juris Meija, Secretary (Canada)
John-Karl Böhlke (USA)
Tyler Coplen (USA)
Tiping Ding (China)
Philip Dunn (UK)
Manfred Gröning (Austria)
Norman Holden (USA)
Ryan Ickert (USA)
Johanna Irrgeher (Austria)
Harro Meijer (The Netherlands)
Thomas Prohaska (Austria)
Yoshio Takahashi (Japan)
Masaharu Tanimizu (Japan)
Jochen Vogl (Germany)
Thomas Walczyk (Singapore)
Jun Wang (China)
Michael Wieser (Canada)
Tetsuya Yokoyama (Japan)
Shigekazu Yoneda (Japan)
Xiang-Kun Zhu (China)
CIAAW Subcommittee on Stable Isotope
Reference Material Assessment
Membership for 2022-2023
Manfred Gröning, Chair (Austria)
Philip Dunn, Secretary (UK)
John-Karl Böhlke (USA)
Willi A. Brand (Germany)
Federica Camin (Italy)
Tyler Coplen (USA)
Tiping Ding (China)
Juris Meija (Canada)
Thomas Prohaska (Austria)
Martin Rosner (Germany)
Robert D. Vocke (USA)
Jochen Vogl (Germany)
Thomas Walczyk (Singapore)
Jun Wang (China)